Participation council
What is a Participation Council (in Dutch Medezeggenschapsraad, or MR)?
Each school board is by law (WMS) required to host an MR. At secondary level of education, the MR is a committee where (teaching and non-teaching) staff members, parents, and students come together to make important decisions about school policies. MR members represent the stakeholders and contribute actively with critical and constructive thinking to the Competent Authority.
What does an MR do?
The MR thinks, talks and decides about all kinds of school matters. They do so in small committees, staff, parents, and students, first, and then also in a bigger MR meeting with the school management. In this way, the MR makes a positive contribution to the quality of education at school.
What is the MR authorised to do?
When the management takes decisions, it should first ask the opinion of the MR on certain matters. The MR has ‘advisory right’ and ‘right of consent’ on certain subjects. Topics that require the MR’s opinion are, for instance, the organisation of education, the determination of holidays and days off, the formation planning for a new academic year, the vision and policy of the school, etc.
What does participation in the (O)MR mean in practice?
- There are 6 meetings per school year, on Tuesdays from 4:30 pm pm to 6:30 pm. Current affairs that concern the school are discussed together with the management, staff, student and parent representatives. The subjects vary, but always relate to the Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest.
- The collaboration of enthusiastic parents (OMR), students (LMR) and (non-)teaching staff (PMR) who are committed to talk about current affairs around the school in a positive and critical manner and, if necessary, to give advice and/or consent to the management.
- For a (starting) MR member, courses are offered on a regular basis to (continue to) develop the knowledge and skills needed for the MR.
Current composition of the OMR (as per August 2023)
There are two parents who represent the Dutch section (including our bilingual TTO department) and one parent representing the International department of our school: Lucy Zeppenfeldt.
In the Participation Council (MR), various sections (pupils, staff members and parents) can advise or participate in decision-making on certain matters. If you have any questions or would like to make an active contribution, please contact mr@rijnlandslyceum-rlo.nl
The members of the MR 2023-2024 are:
Staff section | Parent section | Student section |
Sjaak Fonville (voorzitter) Cees Bakker Hans van de Lagemaat Ambria Sebregts Annelotte Hendriksen (secretaris) Robin Streeder | Bibi Warmerdam Jolanda Spierenburg Lucy Zeppenfeldt | Daan de Klein Bender Doeleman Ninthe de Meulder |