After 4 years of middle school, we have reached the final year; the year of decisions, stress, and excitement. MYP5 rounds up all the work and progress done so far and is certainly one of the most difficult years at our school. This year consists of hard work and the usual assignments, activities, and several additional tasks which help students conclude the program, pave their path and make choices for their future. I spoke with two fellow MYP5 students: Melani, who has been at RLO since MYP1; and Tanvi, who joined at the beginning of the school year. We spoke about their experiences and some advice on how to survive the grade.

“At first, it was really – so much,” Melani told me that compared to previous years, MYP5 is really hard. The first term in particular, it’s quite a struggle to keep up with the workload while still maintaining a personal and social life. After surviving the first impact, however, the puzzle pieces do start to align. The build-up of subject content begins making sense, the endless formatives become useful for improving, and the school planned activities are actually relevant. For instance, during term 3, we spent two long, dull hours completing the Morrisby career test to help us find our strengths and potential career paths; now many turn back to their results in order to make choices for their future studies and understanding their interests. Trivially, even the introduction week was really fun. Tanvi explained that being new, this week was super important for her to get to know people and not feel completely alone.

How to survive the grade? “Be attentive since the start of the year!” said Tanvi, “take good notes, study, and ask every question to everyone.” Especially for new students, the curriculum can be entirely different from what they were learning previously, so paying attention and getting help will make the world of a difference. Both Melani and Tanvi agreed that it’s important to “not be afraid to ask for help.” Asking another question, staying after class to get support from your teacher, and going to the extra study periods will make the world of a difference. And of course, staying organised and managing your time effectively. There is lots to do in MYP5 including concluding a personal project, the end of MYP assessments (E-assessments), working for a week, university visits, career talks, and so much more. But please, don’t feel overwhelmed! You are never alone when facing these challenges and with the help of teachers, formative work, and school organised events, “you can’t not improve.” Tanvi and Melani explained that with this set up, “everyone has a chance to do well.”

Although daunting, MYP5 can be exciting. If you made it here, you have finally reached the end of round one; you can do it!