Foundation Het Rijnlands Lyceum
Over 70 years ago professors from Leiden University who were dissatisfied with the quality of the education in the area offered strong support to establish a modern school on a general basis in 1936. The initiative was successful; ‘Het Rijnlands Lyceum’ continued to grow into a foundation of six schools in The Netherlands and is affiliated with five schools abroad. ‘Rijnlands Lyceum’ has become a brand name and together the schools offer Dutch, bilingual (Dutch/English) and international education to approximately 7000 students.
The Rijnlands Schools feel a bond with the traditions from which they originated, but they have all developed their own distinguished profiles. The common focus however is on the quality of education: the schools have the ambition to offer high quality education and to stimulate students to develop to their full potential.
For more information on the Foundation Het Rijnlands Lyceum click on the grey Rijnlands Lyceum banner at the top of the page.